Another season has passed. The 2018 YD Red Sox had a good year – the best record in the Cape League. Not bad. Not bad at all. Like each year in the Cape, there were a lot of good players, but one team member’s contribution stood out above and beyond the rest, a man who exemplified the great spirit of sport and all that is pure and good, a leader who marched into the flames of competition each day unafraid of his opponent or the consequences of his bravado. And that man’s name was Brady.
Each day, Brady arrived to the park wearing a cowboy hat and boots carrying enough candy in his lunch box to kill a rottweiler. Not only did he bring the candy, he brought the energy (maybe because of the candy, come to think of it). He lead team meetings. He provided scouting reports. He cheered his heart out before occasionally falling asleep on the top step of the dugout. And each day, he reminded us of what is truly important, being a great teammate… and candy, of course, you can’t forget the candy. As a tribute to our number one fan and fearless leader, here is a collection of Brady’s finest moments from the summer of 2018.

Brady entering the dugout.

Brady with his glove before a game.
We love you, B. You taught us what it’s all about. Only ten months until next season. Save some candy for us.